2024 Day Of the Dead Gala
Catrina/Catrin Contest Application
November 2nd 2024

2024 Day Of the Dead Gala
Catrina/Catrin Contest Application
November 2nd 2024
Dear Participant,
Thank you for your interest in this year's Dia De Los Muertos Catrina & Catrine Contest 2024! We are excited to see what creative things you bring to the First Ever Day of the Dead Gala! To ensure a fair, safe and fun contest The Catalyst Arts and Wellness studio has implemented the following rules. Please be sure to scroll down and read this ENTIRE document in its entirety before signing up for the contest. Payment of entry fees indicates that you have read the rules and agree to the terms.
-The Catalyst Team
**For logistical purposes we will only be having ONE category for Cartina/Catrin this year. All entries are judged alone regardless of if you arrive with a partner.**
There will only be ONE Category. Catrin/Catrina. No couples or children. All entries must be 21+.
Your entry is for ONE individual only. There will be no couples competition this year. For couples to enter you must register as separate individuals and pay separate fees. You will be judged separately and enter the contest separately with your own identification badge.
All registration dues are FINAL. There will be no refunds for no-show, late-shows or expulsion or losses.
Absolutely NO late entries will be allowed for any reason. After 7:00 on 11/2 the competition will be closed. Please plan appropriately. All entries MUST be early or ON time in. Failure to do this will be IMMEDIATE expulsion from the competition. Absolutely no exceptions for any reason.
All entries MUST be hair and makeup ready by your check in time. No makeup, adjustments or changes can be made once you are in the staging area. Failure to do this will mean immediate expulsion from the competition.
All Entries entries can be PG-13 with partial and tasteful, creative nudity allowed. EX: Body Paint, Sheer/Lace Dresses or Skirts, adornments of flowers or jewels etc.
Only the entrant will be allowed in staging. Please place your belongings in a safe location as they will not be monitored and Catalyst is not responsible for loss at any time.
Entrants MUST remain in their staging area until after the contest begins
All Entries MUST agree to cheerful participation at all times regardless of win or loss. We at Catalyst will not tolerate bad behavior at any time for those participants showing disrespect or hate toward anyone. You will be asked to leave and not return for future contests should you be found to have a poor attitude.
Your safety is of utmost concern. Because your costume may have nudity or be suggestive we ask that you report any improper behavior from any of the patrons.
We are not responsible for broken costume pieces, attire, shoes or accessories and you assume responsibility for your costume at all times.
All Judgements are FINAL
All are welcome to enter as whatever category they see fit
By paying your dues you agree to the terms of this document
These rules are subject to change
Registration Procedure:
$10 Online payment due at the time of booking.
Please read rules and regulations carefully. Payment of fees indicates that you have read this document in its entirety and a copy will be signed at the time of check in.
$20 Due in Cash or Venmo preferred (card accepted)
Please read and agree to posted rules before paying fees.
**For logistical purposes we will only be having ONE category for Cartina/Catrine this year. All entries are judged alone regardless of if you arrive with a partner.**
1. Authenticity: Judges will be assessing costume, details, jewelry and art form and its relationship with the Mexican heritage.
2. Creativity and Style: Judges will be looking for an out of the box thinker who adds their own personal touch to their costume with adherence to appropriateness. (PG-13)
3. Effort: Judges will be identifying the lengths to which you compose your costume and makeup with adherents to detail, quality and time.
4. Showmanship: Judges will be looking for quality showmanship for all attendees both on and off stage.
Date: November 2nd 2024
Check In: 6:00
Judging Begins: 7:00** Absolutely NO late entry allowed
Registration fee: $10 Advanced Online / $20 At the Door
For Full Rules and more information please click here:
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